Our Services

Electrical, Fire & Public Health Design
S&H Consultants posses a Design Team that can provide the following design services:
Computer Aided Design (CAD):
- Design Drawings (2D & 3D)
- Asbuilt Drawings
- 3D Modelling
Electrical Design:
- Amtech Cable Calculations
- Dialux Lighting Calculations
- Cable Management System Size Calculations
- Electrical Technical Requirements / Specifications
- Cable Route Design
- Schematics
Fire Design:
- Fire Panel Load Calculations
- Aspirating Detection System Calculations
- Battery Load Calculations
- Cause and Effect Matrices
- Fire Sprinkler and Hydrant Calculations
- Fire Technical Requirements / Specifications
- Cable Route Design
- Schematics
Pumps Design:
- Pipework Calculations
- Pumps Technical Requirements / Specifications
- Pipework Route Designs
- Schematics

Pre-Construction Documentation
S&H Consultants have produced various pre-construction documents that form part of the list detailed below for various clients. It should also be noted that we have our own online portal to manage and produce processes, strategies, plans and forms / check sheets for clients to access remotely.
- Verification & Validation Plans
- Integration Engineering Solutions (Programmes, Plans and Design Implementation)
- Management Plans
- Control Processes
- Migration Strategies
- Quality Assurance Plans
- Construction Phase Plans
- Inspection, Testing & Commissioning Strategies
- System Integration Plans
- Project Execution Plans
- RAMS (Risk Assessment & Method Statements)
- ITPs (Inspection & Test Plans)
- Inspection Forms
- CTPs (Commissioning & Test Plans)
- Isolation Plans
- Inspection & Handover Plans (Also known as a NoWRI (Notification of Works Ready for Inspection) Trackers or IRF (Installation Ready for Inspection) Trackers)

Survey / Construction Team
S&H Consultants posses a Survey / Construction Team that can provide the following services:
- Cable Surveys
- Pipework Surveys
- Proposed cable routes
- Proposed pipework routes
- Electrical Installation, Testing & Commissioning Services
- Fire Detection & Suppression Installation, Testing & Commissioning Services
- Domestic Water & Public Health Installation, Testing & Commissioning Services
We also provide Electrical, Fire & Public Health labour to companies if requested. The labour consists of the following personnel:
- Electrical Supervisors
- Electricians
- Electrical Improvers
- NICEIC Testers
- Electrical Engineers
- Fire Engineers
- Plumbers
- Pump Engineers
- Assurance / Handover Engineers

Assurance / Handover Documentation
S&H Consultants have successfully produced various documents that are specified within a MAID (Mandatory Asset Information Deliverables) or AIR (Asset Information Requirements) for various clients. S&H Consultants are well known for producing high quality documentation that meets TfL, DLR, Network Rail & Crossrail standards and requirements. Refer to the below list of documentation that we have produced for various clients:
- Health & Safety Files
- Consent to Test Reports
- Stage Completion Reports
- CAT 2 Report Correlation
- EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Technical Files
- Lighting Compliance Reports
- NICEIC Compliance Reports
- BIU (Bringing Into Use) Reports
- Non Conformance Reports
- HV (High Voltage) QICC (Quality Inspection Completion Certificate)
- OLBI (Off-Line Battery Inverter) QICC (Quality Inspection Completion Certificate)
- (MEPFC) Operation & Maintenance Manuals
- (MEPFC) Asset Registers
- (MEPFC) Photographic Completion Reports
- (MEPFC) Inspection & Test Evidence Completion Reports
- (MEPFC) Obsolescence Strategies
- (MEPFC) Asset Performance & Operational Concept Reports
- (MEPFC) Certificates of Conformity Evidence Reports
- Legionella L8 Risk Assessment
- Mechanical and Fire Cause & Effect Matrix Evidence Report
- Redline Drawings (Labour can be provided to clients to assist with redline drawings)

Commercial Team
S&H Consultants posses a commercial team that can assist companies with the following services:
- Subcontractor Bids, Account Evaluations and Negotiations
- Cost Reporting (Cost breakdown and demonstrations)
- Contract Preparation
- Estimation and Negotiation
- Procurement and Manufacturer Management
- Management of Contractual Timescales, Pricing Variations and Key Dates
S&H Consultants if requested can subcontractor Quantity Surveyors and Commercial Managers to our clients.

Bid / Tender Team
S&H Consultants posses a Bid / Tender Team that can provide the following services to our clients:
- Subcontractor Bid, Account Evaluations and Negotiations
- Cost Breakdown and Demonstrations
- Confirming Adequacy of Design
- Tender Technical Requirements
- Tender Submissions that clarify in detail on the method the respective project shall be delivered through the Design, Pre-Construction, Construction and Handover Stages
- Tender Technical Query Responses to Support Tier 2 Subcontractors
S&H Consultants if requested can subcontractor Bid Managers to our clients.